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Hello, welcome to our Men's Department.

The Endure To The End Ministries Men's Ministry aims to produce Godly men who shall live for Christ. We strive to be role models of excellence in our families, churches, communities, and jobs. We endeavor to lead our families and loved ones into a wholesome, right-standing relationship with Jesus Christ. As faithful men of God, we are focused on teaching other men about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, according to II Timothy 2:2, which states, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." We meet once a month on the 3rd Saturday. From 9:00 Am to 10:30 AM. 

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Mighty Men of Valor

Other auxiliaries include:

  • Armor Bearer Ministry - This has been established to aid our Pastor with specific tasks and assignments concerning the ministry. This area of ministry requires a servant's heart, submission to leadership, focus, hard work, and dedication to the overall vision of the ministry.


  • The Elders, Ministers, and Ministers Staff - Serves as an extension of our Pastor in helping him maintain the high level of excellence that God has enabled him to establish in other areas, such as servants, counselors, friends, and leaders of integrity throughout the ministry, and men's evangelistic outreach.


  • Deacon's Ministry: The word deacon essentially means servant. We use the term “diakonate” for deacons as a body and the term “Diakonia” to describe the work that deacons do (service, support ministry). The Apostle Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning deacons. He said the deacons must be grave or worthy of respect, not double-tongued but sincere.  In 1 Timothy 3:8-13, it’s all about character, so we are expected to serve the church by the example of our character and deeds. The measure of our commitment and faithfulness determines our effectiveness.


  • Mighty Men Of Valor Fellowship Monthly, 3rd Saturday @ 9:00 AM-10:30 AM


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Phone Us: (402) 502-7681

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