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I am Superintendent Victor Rountree, Senior Pastor of Endure To The End Ministries. What great joy it is to serve as the servant of God to His people! The Lord has given me the vision for our newly appointed District, The Worship District of Bellevue.

I am looking forward to sharing them with you. Let's get ready for the work of the ministry in our District. Keep praying and stay in the presence of the Lord. 

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My Story

God is good, and His mercy endures forever. I am Superintendent Victor Rountree, Senior Pastor of Endure To The End Ministries, our headquarters church in the District. To tell a little bit about me, I am from North Carolina and the oldest living son from a family of ten children. I was saved at the young age of six. At this age, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, and I have been running for Him for a long time. I have served in our United States Air Force for thirty years. I am a military vet. During my service in the military, the Lord called me into His ministry as His pastor. Over the years, while serving in the military, the Lord has presented me with many opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ worldwide. It wasn't until I became a part of the North Dakota Jurisdiction that I became fully committed to serving in a Jurisdiction. It's been twenty-eight years since I made my commitment. God is faithful, and His mercy endures forever.  Today we are here in the Worship District of Bellevue, Nebraska.  As the Superintendent of our District, I shall do my best to serve you and pray for you with the help of the Lord. Pray for me and my family as we move forward and do the work of the Lord God. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Contact: (402) 502-7681

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